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Birmingham BABCP conference: second day - NICE, emotion regulation, and exposure with depression & with cycloserine (4th post)

So yesterday was the second full day of the BABCP conference.  I have already written initial blog posts about the first day of the conference and about the pre-conference workshop I went to on emotion regulation.  This is a bit of a pre-breakfast scamper over yesterday's experiences.  As with the other blog posts I've written about the conference & the emotion regulation workshop, I intend to re-visit the more personally relevant subjects in future posts.

Assessment & monitoring questionnaires for CBT treatment of social anxiety disorder

I went to a workshop on the treatment of social anxiety disorder with David Clark in July.  It was very helpful.  I've listed assessment & monitoring questionnaires that he recommended below:

As a general measure to assess and track changes in social anxiety severity, the freely available Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) is the questionnaire recommended by the England & Wales NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) "outcomes toolkit".  Interestingly David seems to prefer the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) probably because it makes a pretty full job of assessing both anxiety and avoidance.  

Self-practice, Self-reflection (SP/SR) & David Clark's treatment for social anxiety: assessment (2nd post)

Yesterday I wrote an introductory post on using self-practice & self-reflection (SP/SR) to improve my understanding of David Clark's treatment for social anxiety.  In today's post I want to look at assessment - of social anxiety disorder, of skill with Clark's CBT approach, and at SP/SR initiation.

New NICE guidance on the recognition, assessment and treatment of social anxiety disorder (2nd post)

I wrote an initial blog post yesterday on this month's new NICE guideline on "Social anxiety disorder: recognition, assessment and treatment".  In today's post I would like to focus more on the guideline's very interesting treatment recommendations. 

Fascinatingly this NICE guidance comes down fair & square on the side of one-to-one cognitive therapy as the first line treatment for social anxiety disorder.  So the authors write:

1.3.2 Offer adults with social anxiety disorder individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that has been specifically developed to treat social anxiety disorder (based on the Clark and Wells model or the Heimberg model; see recommendations 1.3.13 and 1.3.14).

New NICE guidance on the recognition, assessment and treatment of social anxiety disorder (1st post)

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) have just published their new evidence-based clinical guideline on "Social anxiety disorder: recognition, assessment and treatment".  They state: "This clinical guideline offers evidence-based advice on the recognition, assessment and treatment of social anxiety disorder in children and young people (from school age to 17 years) and adults (aged 18 years and older).

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