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“ The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt. ” - Frederick Buechner

This section contains handouts, questionnaires and information sheets about sleep, ADHD, and fatigue.  The sleep handouts are mostly based on Colin Espie's excellent self-help book "Overcoming insomnia and sleep problems" and the intention is that the handouts would be used in conjunction with this book - see the bottom of the page for more details.  

Sleep diary and instructions - a key component of Espie's CBT programme is the use of this weekly diary form to both assess the sleep problem initially and then monitor progress.

Sleep diary, measuring progress - this is a form that can be helpful when measuring overall progress using information from the sleep diaries.

Sleep advice - fairly standard general advice about improving sleep. 

Sleep stimulus control - this and sleep restriction (see below) are probably both the most challenging and the most useful components of a CBT approach for insomnia.  

Sleep restriction therapy - see above for comment on the central importance of this method.

Sleep personal history - Colin Espie's suggestions for questions that it's helpful to consider when assessing insomnia.

Sleep other disorders - again a set of helpful diagnostic reminders when considering other important causes of sleep difficulty besides classic insomnia.

Sleep CBT programme overview - an overview of key points in Espie's CBT approach for insomnia.

Sleep average needs with age - suggestions for average sleep needs at different ages. 

Sleep contents of thoughts - the Glasgow Contents of Thoughts Inventory (GCTI) looks at the kinds of thoughts that may interfere with getting to sleep.

ADHD - ASRS checklist - a World Health Organization screening questionnaire for adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) - is a way of assessing the likelihood that somebody will doze off in a variety of situations.  The ESS is copyrighted by Murray Johns - "A new method of measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth Sleepiness Scale".  Permission has been granted for clinicians to use the ESS in their practice and for researchers to use it in non-industry studies. For other uses of the scale, the owner of the copyright should be contacted.

Fatigue severity scale - one of the two fatigue questionnaires that I use.

Tiredness questionnaire - the fatigue assessment questionnaire I most commonly use. 

 Espie, C.  (2006)  "Overcoming insomnia and sleep problems"  London: Robinson.  [AbeBooks]  [Amazon UK]


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