BABCP spring meeting: workshop and conference - an introduction (1st post)
Last updated on 24th May 2013
I have just been in Belfast for the BABCP Spring workshops & conference. My mind is still buzzing from all the input. It was exciting. I went to Arnoud Arntz's workshop on Schema-Focused Therapy. I have been to several training days with Arnoud before, but it was helpful getting an update on what he is doing. At the conference proper, highlights for me were the first reports by Arnoud of results from a major new study on the treatment of six different personality disorders using schema therapy, a fascinating case series by John Swan using "CBASP" to treat chronic depression, and a bloody great rock thrown into the pool of my cosy understanding of intrusive thoughts by David A Clark. Alongside all that were a report on the treatment of severely obese clients by the marvellously named Aurelia Ciblis from Dublin, another slightly depressing walk around the findings from the Oxford study on mindfulness for health anxiety by Freda McManus, and a bunch of three studies on support for therapists by Margaret O'Rourke, Craig Chigwedere and Joe Curran.
I've been away a lot recently attending conferences & on holiday. I intend to write up the BABCP Spring workshops & conferences from my notes and then post descriptions on this website next month. There were some interesting & encouraging new research findings ... watch this space!