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Social networks: social identity & the importance of both formal & informal group memberships (what can we do?)

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

- Anon

   Social networks: social identity & the importance of both formal & informal groups (what can we do?)


key points: 

the social identity model highlights the value of group membership (more & less formal) for both psychological & physical wellbeing - are there groups you would like to join (or initiate) and are there helpful ways you can increase the sense of the importance to you of some of the groups you're a member of (for example by increasing your involvement with them).

Social networks: Dunbar's 5-15-50-150 model (assessing how we're doing)

What does not kill me, makes me stronger.

- Frederick Nietzsche

                       Social networks: Dunbar's 5-15-50-150 model (assessing how we're doing)

key points: 


1.)  Please would you download a personal community map (see below) and begin to fill it in. 


2.)  While filling in the map and afterwards, answer the items on the associated questionnaire ... and start to jot down possible intentions too.


Social networks: Dunbar's 5-15-50-150 model (support clique/closest relationships)

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.

- Leonardo da Vinci

                         Social networks: Dunbar's 5-15-50-150 model (support clique/closest relationships)

key point: 


In this first part of three on Dunbar's 5-15-50-150 personal social network model, I introduce the crucially important inner layer - the 'support clique' of closest relationships.


Social networks: social identity & the importance of both formal & informal group memberships (background)

“ Any unexplained phenomenon passes through three stages before the reality of it is accepted. During the first stage it is considered laughable. During the second stage, it is adamantly opposed. Finally, during the third stage, it is accepted as self-evident. ” - Arthur Schopenhauer

Social networks: social identity & the importance of both formal & informal group memberships (background)


key point: 


The intriguing additional value of understanding social networks through a social identity lens is highlighted and a wealth of emerging research validating the importance of this approach is introduced.


Social networks: an introduction

“ It might be well for all of us to remember that, while differing widely in the various little bits we know, in our infinite ignorance we are all equal. ” - Karl Popper

                                                                Social networks: an introduction


key points: 


1.)  emerging research is introduced that highlights the great importance of personal social networks for disease prevention, psychological resilience & optimal wellbeing. 


2.)  links are provided to three ways of taking this forward - self-determination theory, social identity theory, and Dunbar's 5-15-50-150 model.


Social networks: the value of a self-determination theory lens

“ The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me.  The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them. ” - George Bernard Shaw

                                          Social networks: the value of a self-determination theory lens

key points: 


1.)  I introduce self-determination theory (S-DT) - a serious contender for my favourite approach to understanding how best to build wellbeing


Ch.7: Families

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

- Viktor Frankl

"Water": the relationships we swim in

“ It is in the shelter of each other that the people live. ” - Irish Proverb

This section contains chapters on Couples, Families, Social Networks, and Mentors, Coaches & Therapists.

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