From the place where we are right/Flowers will never grow/In the spring.
The place where we are right/Is hard and trampled/Like a yard.
But doubts and loves/Dig up the world/Like a mole, a plow/And a whisper will be heard in the place/Where the ruined/House once stood.
- Yehuda Amichai
For many years my work split fairly evenly between helping people with psychological difficulties and helping people with pain problems. Quite a few people were troubled with both. In the last several years I have done much less work with pain, although I still see some people for overall pain management. This has been partly because I was trying to keep up-to-date with too many fields, so stepping back from pain work made sense. It has also been partly because the flourishing of research into happiness & wellbeing has fascinated me and taken up time. Here are a collection of pain-associated assessment and information sheets that I accumulated over the years. They are obviously relevant for work with pain, and some (e.g. one year symptom diary) can be adapted for work with stress & psychological difficulties.