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Using Williams & Penman's book "Mindfulness: a practical guide" as a self-help resource (10th post) - eighth week's practice

I wrote recently about the seventh week's practice in this eight week mindfulness course.  In today's post I'll look at the final session of the Williams & Penman course, described in chapter twelve (pp. 236 to 249) - "Your wild and precious life".  This phrase is taken from Mary Oliver's stunning poem - "The summer day".  The week-by-week course programme summary (p. 60) simply says "Week Eight helps you to weave mindfulness into your daily life, so that it's always there when you need it the most."   

Update on website traffic: nearly a quarter of a million page views last year

This blog went live on 8th October 2008.  In the nearly three & a half years from then up until today, the blog & website (particularly the Good Knowledge section) have had 155,178 hits and 579,356 page views from 171 countries.  The average visitor views about 4 pages on the site.  The chart below illustrates the growth in traffic over the first three years (to 7th October 2011):

chart of website traffic

As I'd expect, most visitors come from the UK and, to some extent from the US:

uk & us visits