Recent research: six studies on depression – pregnancy, young children, antidepressant side effects, SAD & CBT, and suicide risk
Last updated on 30th October 2009
Here are half a dozen recent research papers on depression (all details & abstracts to these studies are given further down this blog posting). Yonkers et al's publication is a very welcome one - "The management of depression during pregnancy: a report from the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists." At last here's a major review giving good advice on this extremely important subject. To learn more it's worth getting hold of a copy of the complete text. You may have access to this through your academic department. If not, authors are usually happy to send a PDF via email when asked to - emails can be dug out via a little Google detective work. Following the [Abstract/Full Text] link will also provide various access routes including a low-cost patient information option. In further work looking at depression