I woke gently bubbling with excitement. I'm off in a couple of hours or so to Glasgow to join a course entitled "Emotion-focused psychotherapy: Level 2 workshop series". Sadly I missed the first day of this seven seminar sequence - I was at the October Scottish Mixed Group peer residential. Hopefully I'll get...
26th November 2011
25th November 2011
So yesterday was the final evening of the eight session Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course. Most of us will go on to complete a full day's practice later as well. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the sixth session in "MBSR ... making...
18th November 2011
I'm missing the seventh session of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course that I've been attending because I've come down to our annual four day UK Men's Group in Cumbria. I've written about these peer groups many times on this blog - for example, last year's Men's Group and...