Simpson, H. B., E. B. Foa, et al. (2008). "A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Augmenting Pharmacotherapy in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder." Am J Psychiatry 165(5): 621-630. [Abstract/Full Text] Most OCD sufferers treated adequately with...
3rd July 2008
2nd July 2008
Norquist, G., T. G. McGuire, et al. (2008). "Cost-Effectiveness of Depression Treatment for Adolescents." Am J Psychiatry 165(5): 549-552. [Free Full Text] Thoughtful (and freely accessible full text) editorial discussing the cost-effectiveness of pharmacological and...
1st July 2008
Kitcheman, J., C. E. Adams, et al. (2008). "Does an encouraging letter encourage attendance at psychiatric out-patient clinics? The Leeds PROMPTS randomized study." Psychol Med 38(5): 717-23. [PubMed] An 'orientation letter'...