Bryant, R. A., J. Mastrodomenico, et al. (2008). "Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Arch Gen Psychiatry 65(6): 659-667 [Abstract/Full Text]
Context Recent trauma survivors with acute stress disorder (ASD) are likely to subsequently develop...
14th August 2008
10th August 2008
The 8th August edition of the BMJ (Moynihan 2008) reports "The small town of Colac in rural Australia is attracting national and international attention for its approach to fighting childhood obesity, and reducing health inequalities." The news item goes on to say "Two hours west of Melbourne, with 11,000 inhabitants, Colac is the site of a...
Recent research: ACT, acceptance & values in chronic pain, mindfulness & CBT in rheumatoid arthritis
7th August 2008
McCracken, L. M. and K. E. Vowles (2008). "A prospective analysis of acceptance of pain and values-based action in patients with chronic pain." Health Psychol 27(2): 215-20. [PubMed]
OBJECTIVE: Acceptance...