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Achieving Clinical Excellence meeting in Amsterdam: first day workshop (1st post)

5th June 2013

On Wednesday evening I flew into Amsterdam Schiphol airport for three days of workshop & conference on feedback systems & the development of excellence in psychotherapy.  What a fascinating subject area to explore.  What a treat.  From the airport I caught a train to Amsterdam Zuid and then walked up through the sunny streets to my hotel.  They were short of rooms and upgraded me to...

Emotion-focused and narrative therapies

3rd June 2013

"Those who do not have the power over the story that dominates their lives - the power to retell it, reexperience it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change - truly are powerless because they cannot think new thoughts."   Salman Rushdie 

Tomorrow our little East of Scotland Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) support group have agreed...

Effective weight loss: a wake-up call and a personal story

31st May 2013

I was talking to an old friend recently and I remarked on how well he was looking.  He said he had lost two stone in weight and his waist circumference had gone down from 42 to 34 inches.  Wow!  I was very interested to hear how he had done it and he very kindly agreed to write his story:  

A Wake-up Call 
