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Angus & Greenberg's book "Narrative in emotion-focused therapy" (1st post): context

I was due to go through to Glasgow today for the fifth workshop in this seven seminar emotion-focused therapy (EFT) series.  Sadly my back has been playing up ... as it occasionally does ... and it really doesn't make good sense to travel.  The soreness is getting better nicely, but it can do with a bit more TLC as I gradually mobilise more.

Emotion-focused therapy workshop series (sixth post): a method for understanding puzzling reactions

Last Saturday was the fourth day of this seven seminar "Emotion-focused psychotherapy: Level 2 workshop series" that I'm going to at Glasgow's Jordanhill campus.  I took my bike on the train from Edinburgh and then cycled along the canal and in past Gartnavel Hospital.  There was a woodpecker chipping away high up in the trees as I arrived at Jordanhill.  It was a lovely morning ... the weather showing its creativity with rapidly alternating rain, snow and sunshine ... but mainly sunshine.  

My brand new "two-seven-two" model of integrative psychotherapy! (second post)

I began thinking yesterday about what I actually do as a psychotherapist.  This lead to a light-hearted first post describing a "two-seven-two" model of integrative psychotherapy.  The initial "two" acknowledges the importance of an overview of what has been going on for the client and a good working alliance.  The "seven" describes a series of overlapping therapeutic areas that I pay attention to.  The first three of these are probably used by most psychotherapists - problem solving relevant outer issues, problem solving unhelpful internal response styles, and - where appropriate - looking at "ball & chain" contributions from the past that may be holding back progress in the present.

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