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Exeter conference day 3: positive psychology, imagery symposium, compassion lecture, & closing remarks

18th July 2009

Third and last day of the full conference.  In fact we finish at lunch time today.  Up, then an interesting conversation about bipolar disorder at breakfast.  It's fun how I can chat with almost any of the well over 1,000 conference participants and almost certainly we'll have a whole lot of helpful shared experiences and insights to explore.  Then off to an in-conference workshop on ...

Exeter conference day 2: mindfulness & health anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder, therapeutic alliance, and politics

17th July 2009

Second day of the full conference.  Again good conversation at breakfast ... great.  Then off along small tracks through the university grounds to end up at a symposium on research using Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) to help people suffering from severe Health Anxiety Disorder.  Four papers were presented.  Although the trial intends to recruit 60 participants in total, these...

Exeter conference day 1: resistant depression, thought suppression, self-help, & rumination from the horse's mouth

16th July 2009

So we're past yesterday's workshops and into the first day of the conference proper.  Two and a half days now involving about 51 symposia, 5 panel debates, 8 open paper sessions, 2 poster sessions, and 17 keynote addresses.  I really like this Exeter campus with it's trees and little paths.  Easy to get lost, but lovely.  I also really like the many casual conversations - in coffee queues, at...