I recently wrote a first blog post introducing the excellent workshop that Michelle Craske ran before this year's BABCP annual conference. It's easy to see Michelle's work as only relevant for improving outcomes in...
29th July 2018
21st July 2018
I have already written blog posts about the great half day pre-conference workshop I went to - "Glasgow BABCP conference: Pre-conference workshop - the excellent Michelle Craske on 'Exposure therapy in the 21st century'"...
19th July 2018
Yesterday was the first full day of the two & a half day (plus one day of pre-conference workshops) BABCP summer conference in Glasgow. It feels like I've been going to these annual BABCP get-togethers for a thousand years. In so many ways, I think they're great ... although, for a society that prides itself on being evidence-based (more on this later in this post), I...