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14th October 2010

So this was the seventh - and penultimate - meeting of this "Opening up" group.  I wrote about the sixth session last week.  Sadly, because of family crises, a couple of people hadn't been able to get to this evening's meeting.  In fact, of the five of us at this session, one arrived late. ...

9th October 2010

I was quietly chuffed this morning to go into Google Analytics and find that, for the first time, there had been over 5,000 visits to this website in the previous month.  Very small beer compared with commercial sites, but still encouraging numbers.  It's a nice coincidence that the blog went live on 9th October 2008,...

7th October 2010

Yesterday evening was the sixth session of the "Opening up" group.  It had been a longer gap than usual - ten days since our full day meeting at the fifth session.  As we often do, we began with a round of "checking in"; an opportunity for all of us to...