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Reappraisal training can help hugely in coping with difficult experiences

Reappraisal (changing the meaning we give to experiences) has been repeatedly shown to be one of the most effective ways we have to regulate our emotions.  It's one of the star components of effective emotion-regulation, coping-skill toolkits ... and it's important to realise that these toolkits can be very helpful (De Castella, 2017).  Reappraisal is important across a variety of difficult states ... depression (Cheng, 2017), anxiety (Goldin, 2017), anger, interpersonal conflict, minor hassles (Richardson, 2017), and major life difficulties.

Introduction & monitoring

If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.

- Jim Barksdale, former Netscape CEO

Here are a series of forms that I use almost every session with clients, or for screening and orientation at the start of therapy:

Introduction & monitoring

“ It is possible that the entire healing relationship is actually founded on friendship. ” - Saki Santorelli

Here are a series of forms that I use almost every session with clients, or for screening and orientation at the start of therapy:

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