Recent research: articles from summer journals
Last updated on 7th November 2014
I read a lot of research. When I find an article of particular interest I download it to my bibliographic database - EndNote - which currently contains over 21,000 abstracts. I also regularly tweet about emerging research, so following me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ (click on the relevant icon at the top of this web page) will keep you up to speed with what I'm finding interesting. Additionally you can view this highlighted research by visiting (click on the "it!" icon at the top of the page). At, I stream publications into five overlapping topic areas: Cognitive & General Psychotherapy, Depression, Compassion & Mindfulness, Positive Psychology and Healthy Living. Here you can scan through the abstracts (and my comments), follow hyperlinks to the original research papers, and search by keyword (click on the funnel icon or in the tag cloud on the relevant topic pages).
I also try to provide monthly overviews of this research - sign up for the newsletter to receive this information regularly (see the link at the bottom of this page). You can click on the topic heading - Cognitive & General Psychotherapy - for a downloadable, hyperlinked PDF list of 30 good recent research studies. Click on Depression for an overlapping list of 30 relevant studies (this covers medication too). You can also get access to 20 recent studies on Compassion & Mindfulness, 25 on Positive Psychology, and 30 on Healthy Living. These five lists - detailing fascinating & excellent emerging research - are a treasure trove of knowledge. They provide information that can clearly help us be better therapists, understand suffering more deeply, and live healthier, longer & more flourishing lives. You can also browse these five topics by visiting Enjoy!