Handouts & questionnaires for compassion & criticism (second post)
Last updated on 8th July 2009
This the second of three posts on handouts & questionnaires for Compassion & criticism. It contains a series of loosely linked downloads about compassion, self-criticism, hostility, self-esteem and related subjects. To see the earlier post on this subject click on Compassion & criticism (first post).
Compassionate/self-image goals scale and background - this is a scale from Crocker's fascinating work on compassionate and self-image goals. See too the "Self and social motivation laboratory" website at http://rcgd.isr.umich.edu/crockerlab
Contingencies of self-worth scale - this is another questionnaire from the Crocker lab (see above). Interesting way of probing what people's self-worth is based on ... and what the subsequent effects then are.
Rosenberg self-esteem scale - 9 point version and 4 point version - two versions of this classic scale. I personally prefer the greater spread of scores provided by the 9 point version.
Nourishing self-esteem background - people who are low in self-esteem are often in the paradoxical position of really wanting to feel appreciated & validated by others, but finding it hard to believe that compliments genuinely mean that they are valued in any lasting way. This handout gives background to an exercise that teaches people with low self-esteem ways of allowing appreciation to touch and help them more.
Nourishing self-esteem exercise - here are more details of the exercise that encourages people with low self-esteem to allow compliments and appreciation to help them.
5 stages of change & associated processes - this is the trans-theoretical stages of change model of Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross. It can be used to explain step-by-step change in many different behaviours. It can useful when encouraging people to move from a habit of self-criticism to one on self-encouragement.
Development of caring in health professionals - here are a couple of research abstracts on caring in nurses linking this central quality with the nurses' experience of caring from their parents and from their nursing school. The latter was particularly important, raising a series of questions about the knock-on effects of less caring institutions that train health professionals.
3 facet mindfulness questionnaire and discussion - this is a three component, cut-down version of the 5 facet questionnaire (see below). I like this scale partly because it highlights the importance of reducing internal self-judgement in mindfulness.
5 facet mindfulness questionnaire, scoring and background - see discussion also on the 3 facet questionnaire (see above).