Some mindfulness resources on the internet
Last updated on 25th April 2018
There was an interesting request on JISCmail (see note below), the listserv for BABCP cognitive-behavioural therapists, asking about podcasts on mindfulness. Several people wrote in with useful suggestions. These included:
I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but you can listen to Matthiew Richard on
I find the "TED talks" quite inspiring and I would recommend the talks on "how the mind works" in particular the one by Jill Bolte Taylor:
To find mindfulness podcasts - go to google, press on videos (found by pressing "more" from the images, maps etc. choices) then type in Kabat-zinn or mindfulness. Some really interesting stuff there.
This is good:
More Jon Kabat Zinn:
Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation:
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