I wrote yesterday about the first full day of this "long weekend" residential peer group. The second day of the weekend was particularly rich - very nourishing or a bit too much depending partly on one's digestion. So after the usual walks,...
17th October 2011
16th October 2011
Again it's a little before 6.30am. Pitch black outside. I wrote yesterday morning about the first evening of this group. We then went on to the first full day. How was it? Well it seemed to me that we've begun to find our feet well. The morning began...
15th October 2011
About 6.30 in the morning. The lights of Aberfeldy shining through the dark from down in the valley. We're at Glassie Farm Bunkhouse - fourteen of us staying here for three days. I've written about this kind of peer group residential on a whole series of occasions on this blog - for example a UK Mixed Group in Cumbria...