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Self-practice, Self-reflection (SP/SR) & David Clark's treatment for social anxiety: introduction (1st post)

Self-practice/Self-reflection (SP/SR) is an approach to training in cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) that involves practising CBT methods on oneself (self-practice - SP) and then reflecting on what one can learn from this experience (self-reflection - SR).  SP/SR is at the interface between more standard training approaches (such as lectures, videos, role plays) and personal therapy (recommended as part of therapist training by many - particularly non CBT - psychotherapy schools).  In the current draft copy of their "Self-practice/self-reflection workbook", authors James Bennett-Levy, Richard Thwaites, Beverly Haarhoff & Helen Perry write "While the primary focus of personal therapy is on personal development, the rationale and purpose of SP/SR is to use your personal experience of CBT to develop better understanding and use of CBT with pati

CBT Today: keeping up with the literature

(Note an updated & extended version of this blog post is now available)

I have been asked to write a column on "Keeping up with the literature" for CBT Today "the official magazine of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies".  I thought it might be helpful to put an online version onto this website so that I can include relevant hyperlinks to the various research articles that I mention.

Therapeutic alliance ruptures/tensions: description, frequency, causes & effects

I wrote a blog post yesterday entitled "Therapeutic alliance ruptures: common, very challenging & a key area for increasing therapist (and personal) helpfulness"I think this area is so important that I'd like to spend additional time exploring it more thoroughly.