Recent research: articles from late summer journals
Last updated on 28th March 2017
I read a lot of research. When I find an article of particular interest I download it to my bibliographic database - Endnote - which currently contains well over 24,000 abstracts. I also regularly tweet about emerging research, so following me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ (click on the relevant icon at the top of this web page) will keep you up to speed with some of what I'm finding interesting. Additionally you can view this highlighted research by visiting (click on the "it!" icon at the top of the page). At, I stream publications into five overlapping topic areas: Cognitive & General Psychotherapy, Depression, Compassion & Mindfulness, Healthy Living & Healthy Aging, and Positive Psychology. Here you can scan through abstracts, follow hyperlinks to the original research papers, and search by keyword (click on the funnel icon or in the tag cloud on the relevant topic pages).
Every couple of months or so, I also provide overviews of this research - sign up for the newsletter to receive this information regularly (see the link at the bottom of this page). Clicking on the topic heading Cognitive & General Psychotherapy downloads a hyperlinked PDF list of 32 excellent recent research articles (mostly from journals published over this summer). So many of these papers are highly relevant to improving our helpfulness as psychotherapists. These include two (Agnew-Blais & Bron) on the high prevalence of adult ADHD (often with no childhood history) and its relevance to depression, the excellent Cuijpers's meta-analysis of studies on IPT, Goldberg on how a therapy agency can encourage their therapists to become more effective, and Richards' ground-breaking report on cost & outcome comparisons between CBT & behavioural activation. Click on Depression for an overlapping list of 32 relevant studies (this covers medication too). Hallahan's meta-analysis adds encouraging new insights on use of fish oils for depression, Hopfinger highlights the value of emotion regulation ability, Janssen introduces new findings on the potential value of whole-body hyperthermia, and Kohler describes apparently important antidepressant effects of statins. The Compassion & Mindfulness link brings 28 recent abstracts including Arnocky's chuckling discovery that altruism predicts mating success, Demakakos's wincing assessment of the subsequent increased adult mortality effects of early bad parenting, the encouraging benefits of mindfulness on borderline symptoms reported by Elices, and Gong's meta-analysis on mindfulness meditation for insomnia. Clicking on Positive Psychology downloads abstracts and links to 25 papers including Abele on the mixed effects of career success on happiness, Binder's interesting findings on self-employment & life satisfaction, Diehl's amusing study on how taking photos can increase experiential enjoyment, and Meltzer's look at who is having more & better sex. Finally, there are 48 abstracts in the Healthy Living & Healthy Aging section including Aune on the major mortality benefits of whole grain consumption, Flegal on trends in obesity in the US, Franco on plant-based therapies for menopausal symptoms, Ierodiakonou on optimal timing for the introduction of allergenic foods to infant diets, and Kendler's encouraging findings on the potential benefits of marriage for those at risk of developing alcohol use disorder.
What's not to like? So much fascinating & helpful information here. Remember you can always search these & earlier studies using keywords on James's pages.