Four aspects of helpful inner focus: 2.) nourishing positive states (part A)
Last updated on 15th February 2009
Ten days ago, on this blog, I wrote about "Reducing negative states" as one aspect of a simple model entitled "Four aspects of helpful inner focus" (see below). The model is a method I've evolved to help me organize and think about the many facets of deliberately induced altered states of consciousness. I'm using terms loosely here. I remember a hypnotist I came across many years ago, calling himself a "de-hypnotist". He claimed that we walk around "hypnotised" most of the time and that he saw his job as trying to help us "wake up" from this hypnosis. I mention this to illustrate how terms in this field - for example "inner focus" and "altered state of consciousness" - tend to creak rather a lot if one pushes at them for precise meanings.