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Goal setting and wellbeing

7th September 2008

It has seemed likely for some time that skilful goal setting boosts wellbeing.  A couple of small recent research studies from the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London reinforce this understanding (MacLeod, Coates et al. 2008).  Wellbeing was assessed by an often used conglomerate measure which adds measures of 'positive' emotion and life satisfaction while...

Self-determination theory

6th September 2008

I'm a big fan of Self-Determination Theory (SDT).  SDT is a general theory of motivation and personality that has evolved over the past three decades.  SDT suggests that humans, like plants or other animals, intrinsically 'strive' for need satisfaction & flourishing.  Social context and personal choices can support or thwart this need striving with major effects for health and wellbeing...

Recent research: exercise, diet, and smoking

4th September 2008

There are a series of interesting recent research studies here highlighting the drastic reduction in physical exercise taken by young people as they move into their teenage years, the fascinating protective association between muscular strength and mortality in men even allowing for cardiorespiratory fitness and other potentially confounding factors, the impressive reduction in acute coronary...