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Peer groups: Wiston autumn group – third morning

9th November 2008

So yesterday was the second full day of the group and it went roaring along - like holidays where initially time moves slowly and then seems to accelerate.  Here the "train" of group memories seems to gather pace for me by this second day.  My sense has been that for all three of the mid-size groups of 12-13, the first day was at times quite a struggle - what are we here for?  Do I...

Peer groups: Wiston autumn group – second morning

8th November 2008

Saturday - the group has now been running for 36 hours or so.  As I'd expected, I slept much better last night than on the first 'just-arrived' night of the group.  Getting up at around 7.00am, I still seemed to be the first person up and about - so it seems the group as a whole slept better!  Yesterday was so full.  To simply report the structure - I'd written, done some yoga exercises,...

Peer groups: Wiston autumn group – first morning

7th November 2008

Back in May I wrote about a peer Mixed Group I have been involved in for many years.  I explained how I'd been coming to this Mixed Group since 1991 and how the group had evolved and budded off both a Men's Group and Women's Group.  I talked about the origins and purpose of these...