This recent article from JAMA - Adiposity, body fat distribution, and risk of major stroke types among adults in the United Kingdom - comments: "In 2019, stroke was the second leading cause of death globally, estimated to be responsible for approximately 10% of all deaths....
1st January 2023
31st December 2022
I read a good deal of research and thought it might be helpful to share studies that seem particularly interesting and useful ... especially in the areas of healthy lifestyle and how to 'flourish' more fully.
Here's an interesting recent study - Associations between...
16th October 2022
There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. Homer, the Odyssey
Modern life doesn't feel well adapted to having a siesta. Even if I'm happily asleep in the afternoon, most of those who I might communicate or interact with are likely to be busily in the heart of their work days. Is being tempted to...